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And research suggests that, even when fathers do gain access to paid parental leave, they may be reluctant to take it. After California's paid family leave law, the first such law enacted in the United States, took effect in 2004, economists Charles L. Baum and Christopher Ruhm found that the percentage of men taking time off after a child's birth rose only modestly; the average period of parental leave taken increased by nearly five weeks for mothers, but only two to three days for fathers... Sheikh finished sixth overall running a personal best 15:42. Seniors Ian Bake (16:23) and Matt Uzzle cheap jerseys (16:26) took 13th and 14th overall while junior Hiruy Alemseged (16:27) finished 15th. Freshman Leo Torres cheap jerseys took 19th (16:40).. Martin's love of books was legendary. His favorite hobby was browsing used bookstores for first editions of American and British literature, or "book tumbling" for treasures, as he called it. He amassed a collection of se...